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John McCarthyWelcome from National Committee Chair

Welcome to the Small College Basketball Alumni Association. Founder John McCarthy and I have shared many visions and thoughts of a site that promotes and honors those who played, coached, refereed and contributed to small college basketball.

As a college freshman in 1959, I became enamored with the small college game and all of the excitement that surrounds it. After a career as a player and coach that spans almost 60 years, it is my belief that the time has come for us to promote small college basketball in a dynamic and meaningful way.

Many great players have played at the small college level. Some of our great players and coaches have impacted the NBA with top-level performance. Others have impacted the international game. Needless to say, it is time to tell our story through digital media and by developing meaningful relationships through consistent alumni reunions.

Please join John McCarthy and me by joining the Small College Basketball Alumni Association for $75 per year. A lifetime membership is available for $500.

We are pleased to announce that our first annual SCB Alumni Association Reunion will be held in May of 2018 in Kansas City, Missouri. More details will follow.

We look forward to your membership the SCB Alumni Association.


Jim Poteet, Ed.D.
SCB Alumni Association Committee Chairman

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